We make a difference

  • SIPS is the not-for-profit education support services provider for Sandwell, the Black Country and the West Midlands
  • We’re owned and governed by schools – our focus isn’t making a profit, it’s enriching children and young people’s learning and well-being – they’re at the heart of what we do

Service Brochure 2024-2025


Training Brochure 2024-2025



WINNERS – Black Country Chamber of Commerce Awards 2020

Large Business Award

Adaptability & Innovation Award



Hear from schools we work with

“In my experience, gained over many years, I have found SIPS to prove themselves competent, responsive and professional. I would certainly encourage other schools to see first-hand the positive impact the services can make to their children’s education.”

Mrs Lucy Bray, Head Teacher

Mesty Croft Academy

"Thanks to SIPS Health, Safety & Facilities for keeping our school safe, maintained & to the standard"

James Maton, School Business Manager

Temple Meadow Primary School

“Thanks to SIPS Online Safety Service we help children become digitally resilient, in the school environment and also outreaching to the home environment”

Jennifer Rogman, Deputy Headteacher

Annie Lennard Primary School

"The Toshiba team were very impressed with the quality and taste of our recent corporate buffet. The team loved everything! Well done to all at SIPS Catering. Everyone is very approachable and friendly and a real asset. We are now looking forward to our next buffet."

Karen Burns, Customer Support Manager


"We wanted to let you know how much we enjoyed the buffet SIPS Catering prepared. The selection of food was very tasty and professionally presented. We have received good feedback from our staff, so much so we have just ordered another one!"

Sharon Millward, Office Manager

Clark Brookes Turner Cary Solicitors

"Thanks to SIPS for consistently providing excellent Governance Services and outstanding IT Services to our Multi Academy Trust. SIPS is our trusted partner for professional services"

Christopher Stevens, CEO

Fairfax MAT

“Thank you to SIPS Governor Services for providing a tailored clerking service to our school for the last three years, helping our Governors to understand their role, functions and legal duties while providing professional and timely advice”

Lynda Donaldson, Chair of Governors

George Dixon Primary School

"SIPS Music & Arts Service makes a huge difference to our Music Department. Whether it is classroom support, technical assistance or instrumental tuition, SIPS provides a quality service that is second-to-none."

Alan Hughes, Head of Music

Shireland Collegate Academy

“Thanks to SIPS Catering for providing a nutritious, healthy and fun set of varied food options each day of the academic year – SIPS offers a true partnership”

Victoria Durnall, Business Director

Lyng Primary School

“At Brandhall we use many of SIPS services; from support for our NQTs and Governors, to the provision of a skilled Clerk to assist our Governors and the professional development and assessment for support staff. SIPS also helps turn data into valued information through IT and they are always at the end of the phone – Thank you SIPS for a great all-round service."

Liz Hart, Head Teacher

Brandhall Primary School

“From Information Technology to Finance, Governance, HR, and Health, Safety & Facilities, SIPS is aligned to our forward-thinking Academy and helps support quality education for our pupils each and every day of the academic year – thank you SIPS for all the exceptionally high calibre services you provide”

Lucy Bray, Head Teacher

Mesty Croft Academy

“Our Board of Governor's would like to thank SIPS for a valued and important professional working partnership. Kim Whiting, SIPS Director of HR & Learning, delivered an informative, timely and interesting presentation today, raising thoughts to consider including in relation to Ofsted. We particularly appreciated the handouts, both in their content and also their presentation. Kim covered an enormous amount in a very short period of time. SIPS is to be warmly recommended, we look forward to future sessions."

Andrew Saunders, LA Governor

Woodcock Hill Primary School

“Thanks to the SIPS team to raise student aspirations outlining the many services on offer and potential career roots, SIPS EBP is a trusted partner, integral to our careers education offering a structured gateway to the world of business and commerce, SIPS is to be recognised for valued work and highly recommended”

Harriet Conaty, Academic Ambassador

Q3 Academy Langley

Two students

Why partner with us?

SIPS is a unique business, here are just some reasons why we are different and stand out from the crowd...

  • Not for Profit
  • SIPS is majority owned and governed by customers
  • Exclusive approach underpinned by the key values of: quality, versatility, integrity and innovation
  • Work with a team of proven education professionals and support staff

Children and young people are at the heart of what we do

  • Our approach offers solutions bespoke to your school
  • SIPS shares its in-depth knowledge with schools
  • Schools benefit from SIPS expertise

Find out more about us


News, features and insight into the many ways SIPS is working with schools and the community to make a valued difference…

Governance Training Sessions – Spring 2025
We’re pleased to unveil our latest Governance Training Sessions – for further information or to enrol, please contact Lara Angell, Assistant Governance Manager Lara.Angell@sips.co.uk Governance for Special Schools and Specialist Settings 26th February 2025 5.30pm -7.00pm – MS Teams Facilitated by Prof (Dr) Adam Boddison OBE This session is specifically aimed at Governors or Trustees …
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