Year: 2022


We recently supported a Birmingham school that experienced a ransomware attack. The attack was understood to have specifically targeted their remote desktop and exchange servers before spreading across the wider network. This resulted in the enforced closure of the school as all files, MIS, safeguarding, curriculum, and finance systems were encrypted and inaccessible. Fortunately, the …

A watching brief

Brian Cape, Chief Executive of SIPS Education, explains why the organisation is so much more than the sum of its parts The current debate over the future status and funding of Channel 4 has really struck a chord (pardon the shameless musical-pun) with me, and as the leader of a co-operative and self-sufficient public-service it’s …


Sandwell-based SIPS Education has appointed Sarah Howard as its new Finance Manager and Company Accountant. She joins the not-for-profit organisation with over 25 years’ experience in accounting and finance,  most recently working for a physical education charity based at the University of Worcester and at a Birmingham marketing agency Sarah commented: “I was drawn to …

Former Sandwell Director of Education named as new Chair of SIPS Education

Chris Ward, former Director of Education, Skills and Employment at Sandwell Borough Council, has been announced as the new chair of not-for-profit education service provider SIPS Education. Mr Ward, who was Director of Education at the council, takes up the unpaid role from January, and describes it as a great opportunity to be able to …

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